The students will elaborate, in groups of maximum three students (~10 pages/student), a scientific paper about a topic of the lecture (see Course Syllabus) or other subjects concerning the ICT and economic implications (the topic will be submitted for approval to the teacher as soon as possible - DEADLINE: 28 Oct 2010). To avoid loosing marks because of different missing (structure, references, sources, formatting issues etc.), it is advisable to see the paperwork before printing the final version (preferably, during laboratory classes, at least 2 weeks before the date settled for presentation). For this, you may use the Google site you have created and announce me to check the information you have typed/uploaded there.
- The paper will be ONE electronic document, created using a text processor (Microsoft Word 2007), sent to my e-mail in the final version at least 2 days before the presentation, and printed when submitted for the final examination.
- The paper presentation will be a PowerPoint file, orally presented in front of class, at the end of the semester. The presentation file will be also sent to my e-mail in the final version at least 2 days before the presentation.
- Project guidelines (content, typestting and presentation) - [Ghid_ro]_GuidelinesEN_2010-2011.pdf in the Attachment section, at the bottom of current page [based on Ghid_pentru_elaborarea_lucrarii_de_licenta_ sesiunea_iulie_2010.doc].
- For MS Word 2007 and general MS Office 2007 tools, tips and techniques (discussed during course N0.5/02_Nov_2010), you may consult the file Office 2007_Word,Office[AIO]_selected_.pdf, in the Attachment section, at the bottom of current page - psw for open:s9).
- It is a basic academic requirement to show details of the sources of your information, ideas and arguments. For more details, consult the document referencesMore_.pdf, from the Attachment section.
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